Certification of teachers and employees of Franchisee; licensing of branches; the issuance of Certificates and Diplomas to students is carried out by the EUROPEAN BUREAU FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LP (United Kingdom, Edinburgh) (Identification Code: SL023527), which is authorized by the Franchiser.
"EUROPEAN BUREAU FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT" LP (United Kingdom, Edinburgh) (Identification Code: SL023527) together with "EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT" PU (Ukraine, Odessa) (Identification Code: 41144203) and with other companies are part of the global consortium International Education Network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL (hereinafter - Consortium).
The main task of the Consortium is the development of the branch network; legal protection of business and copyright; development of scientific and methodological materials; quality control of service delivery by branches; certification, licensing, issuance of diplomas and certificates; organization of global events, business tours, forums, international championships and so on.
Operational management of the Consortium is EUROPEAN BUREAU FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LP (United Kingdom, Edinburgh) (Identification Code: SL023527).
Operational management of the franchise International Education Network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL and interaction with financial institutions is carried out by the Public Union "EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT" PU (Ukraine, Odessa) (Identification Code: 41144203) - Franchiser under this Agreement.
The right to sell franchises, making decisions on choosing the form of cooperation with Franchisee and administering the branch (own and franchise) network is entrusted to the Franchisor.
International Education Network
International Business Academy Consortium LTD
Department of International Franchising
International Call Center
Contact us for buying a franchise:
The official website for business schools (ENG):
The official website of the franchise: